The Picaso's

Our first ever two residents were the Picaso's. They are much appreciated citezens, as their strength can help us build buildings quicker.

The Reeves

Emma Reeves moved into this town in hope of finding a husband, as that's exactly what happened to her grandmother, 49 years ago.

The Roseland's

Cyd is a wandering soul looking to find the right town to settle down in. Finnally, he's found the right one- Arbor Falls!

The Courtes

Kiki has always been one for business, but moving here has let her take a breather and enjoy life as it is.

The Pearl's

Ronald has always been one for music & dance, and now he's decided it's time to learn the bass. He hopes to earn a fortune through music playing and donate to help Arbor Falls!

The Pyes

Summer Pyes and her cat Cinnamon moved to this town to get some sunlight instead of the constant snow in Simchill City. She has tried to help in the community and went on the great brick search to set up The Phoenix.

The Rutherford's

Roxo moved to this town just for the thrill of getting out of the house and away from his parents. Now he's met his magical sweetheart and he loves Arbor Falls more than anything!

The Simicide's

The Simicide sisters are a little weird, but you would be too if your mum and dad just dissapeared and your sister turned againgst you.

The Cannon's

Marty Cannon claims he has come to Arbor Falls to dig for treasure. He is nicknamed 'The Treasure Hunter'.